I Eat Dinner
Sá Bridget Jones um daginn (The Edge Of Reason) og er myndin með eindæmum fyndin og skemmtileg. Hló ég mikið, vægast sagt. En þrátt fyrir hið gífurlega skemmtanagildi sem myndin hefur þá hefur hún að geyma eitt sorglegasta lag sem ég hef heyrt. “I Eat Dinner” í flutningi Rufus Wainwright og Dido. En fallegt er það. Hann Rufus er sko með angurværa rödd.
I Eat Dinner
I eat dinner at the kitchen table
By the light that switches on
I eat leftovers with mashed potatoes
No more candlelight, no more romance, no more small talk
When the hunger's gone
I eat dinner at the kitchen table
And I wash it down with pop
I eat leftovers with mashed potatoes
No more candlelight, no more romance, no more small talk
When the hunger stops
Never thought that I'd end up this way
I who loved the sparks
Never thought my hair'd be turning to gray
It used to be so dark, so dark
No more candlelight, no more romance, no more small talk
When the hunger's gone
No more candlelight, no more romance, no more small talk
When the hunger's gone
When the hunger's gone
Never thought that I'd end up like this
I who loved the night
Never thought I'd be without a kiss
No one to turn off the light
Turn off the light
I eat dinner at the kitchen table
By the light of the TV screen
I eat leftovers with mashed potatoes
No more candlelight, no more romance, no more small talk
When the plate is clean
When the hunger's gone, when the hunger's gone
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